Saturday, 25 April 2009

Charles Valentin Alkan

I bet you haven't heard of this composer. Neither had I until this morning. But he is an eye-opener - or should I say ear-opener. He was a neighbour of Chopin and contemporary of Chopin and Liszt. Have a listen. His organ music should be interesting. He composed funeral music for a dead parrot 100 years before Monty Python! He sadly died pinned to the ground by a falling umbrella stand.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Latin saying

I heard a Latin saying on the radio this morning: Solvitur ambulando, meaning "It is solved by walking".

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Coast to Coast on BBC4 starts next Thursday

BBC4 are starting a new series following the success of the Wainwright Walks. Julia Bradbury is walking Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk (ref The first episode of six starts next Thursday at 8.30pm. You must see it - or, better still, walk it!